Some accomplished investors, from Warren Buffet down, have said investing should be boring. Sometimes, perhaps. But taken too literally this is extremely dangerous.
With all of the swirling risks which prevail at the moment, it is easy to get distracted, but you mustn’t. Below are words which might describe how you are feeling. But are yours on the left (good) or on the right (bad)?
You must stay focussed on your plan, and keep paying attention to that plan. But we do understand that this is not easy at the moment.
If you select more of the right-hand words below, the risk is that you will make expensive errors as events unfold in 2022. If you feel this might apply to you, do let us know as we would like to pass some tips and thoughts over the fence.
In contrast, if you are feeling in good shape, perhaps you could share how you have achieved this, by emailing the team or via the Gold Members Facebook group.
How are you feeling:
- Engaged not detached
- Curious but not distracted
- Preparing not predicting
- Learning not worshipping
- Planning not panicking
- Purring not barking
- Content not excited
- Acting not reacting
- Focussed not bored
- Tidy not cluttered
- Calm not agitated
- Steady not scared
- Thinking not worrying
- Attentive not seduced
- Looking forwards not backwards
- Thoughtful not fretful
- Cautious not scared
- Optimistic not excited
- Flowing not stumbling
- Accepting not angry
- Planning not predicting
- Master not servant
Please let us know how you are feeling, for better or worse. If you are feeling good, let us have your tips which we can share.