What’s Hot
- The theme among our big hitters this month is fairly simple, Europe up (UK included).
- Cheap European small-caps attracted buyers, ignoring recessionary concerns.
- UK Equity Income notably outperformed the broader UK market, as that sector tends to have a Value-style bias. This includes sectors that tend to outperform during high inflation, like energy, commodities, and consumer staples.
What’s Not
- The China sector struggled this month. After a 35%+ run from late October to late January, thanks to China’s unlocking, though just in the last week it may have bottomed.
- This “breather” stretched across to other China influenced sectors in Asia and Emerging Markets.
- More concerning is that “Linkers” or UK Index Linked Gilts feature yet again…
- as we have said many times, what often appears “safe” is sometimes nothing of the sort, and particularly so at the end of a 40-year cycle of falling inflation. This is made very obvious by the chart below, depicting the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 vs Vanguard’s UK Inflation Linked Gilt fund during its meltdown last year.

What’s Hot
Last Month’s Performance %
European Smaller Companies
Europe Excluding UK
UK Equity Income
UK All Companies
Europe Including UK
What’s Not
Last Month’s Performance
China/Greater China
UK Index Linked Gilts
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan
Global Emerging Markets
Asia Pacific Including Japan
Performance 01/02/2023 – 28/02/2023
All performance figures quoted as total return in GBP